Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Faith or Foolishness?

For thousands of years, the people of God have experienced times of putting on a facade that brought about the appearance of godliness. Today is no different, matter of fact it’s quite the epidemic among the body of Christ, yet there are many that are not even aware of their inconsistent behavior. However, the true people of God will begin (at some point) to notice themselves behaving inconsistently with what they SAY they believe. What happens when what people think of us becomes more important than what God thinks of us? Or when our times of prayer and reading the word of God have become a mere check off of our “to do” list? We must often ask ourselves and God some important questions if we are going to endure to the end by faith. It is imperative that we ask God to search our hearts and reveal His Truth, for according to His will we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Now you may be thinking, “I believe in Jesus for my salvation, He definitely lives in me. I am definitely not the same since He changed me. Oh yes, my faith is strong!” But let’s go a bit deeper. You may already know that no one is above deception, meaning that we all can be deceived, even the elect according to scripture. The Lord says in Jeremiah17:9(AMP) that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it [perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind]?” In verse 10, the Lord says that He searches the mind and tries our hearts. From this and other areas in the Word we could discern that without knowing the still, small voice of God through time spent in His presence, communing with Him in His Word and prayer, we truly couldn’t say that we know or understand what our true motives are.

As we grow closer and closer to Jesus, all of us will begin to find many areas of our behavior that is in disagreement with the will of God. Therefore, our relationship with Him must be so solid and intimate that we admit it and bring this behavior to Him, asking Him to change our hearts and show us our responsibility in the cleansing process. Not all behaviors come out of us just because we decided to receive God’s forgiveness and the blood of Jesus for that area. God has given us a responsibility and we must seek His guidance to know what that is. Otherwise, we’re walking in foolishness and presumption. God will not do our part, He will simply stand back and wait until we call on Him repenting, asking Him to show us our part.

I have experienced this in my own walk with God and it was very hard to accept and admit that I had merely pretended my faith-walk for many years. Yet it was extremely freeing and the ONLY alternative outside of being like a Pharisee or Sadducee, which you may remember that Jesus made it well known how He felt about their works. I came to a desperate place a few years ago where I realized that I was a “people pleaser”. I battled this often by speaking right confessions saying, “I’m a God pleaser not a man pleaser.” I gathered a couple verses and committed them to memory and spoke them off and on, but it was not from the heart. I never asked God how to go about it, I assumed this was how all problems were to be handled, just declare and pray the Word of God. Many times I felt God tugging at me to spend time studying, meditating on the Word and just listening for Him. But I was in a hurry! I had things to do! Very important things! Because if I didn’t get them done, God forbid someone might get mad at me! 

Around this time, I began to find so many inconsistencies in my behavior that I could no longer bear it. I had become a sorry example of a Christian from my perspective. I didn’t pray or read my Bible very much anymore. I didn’t care when people shared their problems, nor did I want to pray for them. Everything became a duty, something I HAD to do in order to be “walking by faith.” I also became very frustrated with others and began to blame people and situations for my failures. I felt as though I was stuck and had no power over my situation. I had fallen into depression, which took me 7 months before I would even consider the possibility of depression or even admit it. After all, I had to keep a “right confession”. God began dealing with me to temporarily forget about keeping a right confession so much and just focus on the “Truth” about where I was- to just be honest with Him and others, instead of acting as though I was still “sold out for Jesus,” when I knew I wasn’t.

Jesus said in John 18:37(AMP) that “Everyone who is of the Truth [who is a friend of the Truth, who belongs to the Truth] hears and listens to My voice.” But what we have to constantly check ourselves about is “are we really taking the time to wait and listen to His voice?” I have been learning more and more that God is not on my schedule and I can’t rush or control Him. It’s like saying to Him, “you’ll have to hurry up today God, I only got about 15 minutes so come on, speak to me, show me Your will and prepare me for this day.” Some of you may barely get that much time in the morning. And I understand everyone is in their different season, just make sure you are letting God show you other opportunities to spend time with Him throughout your day. He’ll increase your time later on as your seasons change. But please know that 5 years down the road there should be some changes that have occurred in you and how you spend your time with God. We just need to be careful that we don’t fall into the practice of ritualistic formulas in prayer. That leads us no where fast! I have finally begun to realize that what truly matters is that we’re led by His Spirit and since we definitely need His help, we should push through our feelings to do it His way and not ours!

If you also have been noticing inconsistencies in your behavior, rejoice! God is showing you the Truth that can make you free. That’s step one though, now here’s your part. Admit it! Despise the sin! Throw it off of you like a dirty rag and run to His mercy seat. Now, receive, receive, and receive the grace of God! Ask God to create within you a clean heart and renew a right [persevering & steadfast] spirit within you. (Psalm 51:6AMP) This verse of prayer must be a continual cry from your heart to God as you often identify with your need for Him to change you and make His truth known within you. Ask Him to strengthen you in your inner man and give you the holy determination to keep your word. Ask Him to restore the power to make decisions and keep them! Now you must decide to believe that all things are possible with Him. Put all your trust in Him and His Word. He will do what you can’t. He can and will turn your messes around. Now, last but definitely not least practice being quiet and listening for His voice everyday, it may be difficult at first but just tell your flesh to calm down and HUSH. Because those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there! (Galatians 5:24NLT)


Resting in His Grace

Take rest: a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.

This beautiful and very wise quote above causes me to reflect first of all upon a few verses from the
Bible in the book of Hebrews.
So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who enter into God’s rest will find
rest from their labors, just as God rested from creating the world. Let us do our best to enter that place
of rest. For anyone who disobeys God, as the people of Israel did, will fall.
Hebrews 4:9-11(NLT)
Our Need for Rest
As a mother of four children, one of which is an eighteen year old special needs daughter, I find a constant ongoing need for resting in Jesus. The more frustrated I become in trying to communicate with her, the more I realize how much I need to take time reflecting and meditating in God’s holy word. It is comforting to remember that God’s word brings life to my spirit, the very life of God. I receive strength and encouragement to face all the daily challenges that a wife and mother of teenagers can face. When I take a moment and open my heart to Him, He’s always there to refresh me. His faithfulness will show up in your life when you open up to Him.
All over the world people are hungering for true rest. Some of us try to take vacations every year from our
usual work schedules only to end up exhausted from the vacation. Others try to abuse physical rest by
sleeping all their time away, just another of many forms of running away from it all. Some people use
busyness as a means of forgetting their deep, emotional wounds. Many times, our minds are often busy trying to figure things out, while we long to find a switch in the back of our heads that we can turn off. For goodness sake,

we need some peace and quiet in here! We keep looking for physical ways to take care of a spiritual problem. This makes for a very conflicting battle in our will.
When we don’t get the rest we need for our mind, soul and body, we are irritable and very well may end
up damaging the important relationships that God has blessed us with. But if we will search long and
hard enough, we will discover that agitating feeling is stemming from center of our beings; if we pay the proper attention to it, we find a pain deep inside that is crying out for relief. We mustn’t ignore it.

Receiving the Rest We Need
All the while, there is a place of rest that God has prepared for us. And God so yearns for us to reach out
and receive it from Him. For Jesus said Himself, 
“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke 
upon you. Let Me teach you, for I am humble and gentle and you will find rest for your souls. For My 
yoke is easy and My burden is light”. (Matthew 11:28-30)

So according to Jesus, there is a place of ease that we will find when we decide to walk with Jesus. He
makes it so easy to obey Him, even in our thoughts, words and deeds. He takes the heavy load of work
(trying to do/be right in our own strength) off our shoulders and instead gives us His light. With the
warm light of the Son on my shoulders I can now stand tall and face tomorrow with a brand new hope.
The most freeing realization is to find that you can’t be right in God’s eyes on your own, quite frankly,
it’s impossible! Jesus did say in John15:5, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Finally, when we give
up all our exhausting efforts to “measure up”, we ask Jesus to carry on for us. And He ALWAYS does.
Jesus did all the work for us that we could never do. In our gratefulness, we must receive and rest in the
hard labor that Jesus endured for us so that we can experience the joyous fulfillment of life Jesus desired
to bring us.

Yielding the Abundant Harvest
The more we choose to trust in God and His Word, the more we will experience His rest. Therefore, our
life will yield a bountiful crop of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility
and self-control(Galatians 5:22). We will find that we actually have more than we need; so we are then

able to share our bountiful harvest with those around us. God doesn’t bless us just for us to turn around and
keep it all to ourselves. Not at all, those who allow His love to flow through them will be a blessing
to others in one way or another at every turn. As we continue to examine this quote from a
spiritual perspective, let us observe that the field in our hearts must receive the rest that only God can
give, so that our lives can be overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit that the world needs today.
So take it, it’s yours!


The Danger of Distractions

Distractions and interruptions today are an extremely common occurrence, especially if you have children or a high-pressure job. In my experience, having children increases the distraction so much that you think your brain has turned to butter by the end of the day. I have four wonderful children and love them dearly. But I now understand why my mother used to plead to have “a little peace and quiet!” As we age and grow a little wiser, we all long for a more focused and peaceful mind. Yet I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone into the kitchen and found myself asking, “What did I come in here for?” Can you relate? Think it’s harmless? Think again.

The hordes of hell are attacking God’s people today in the area of distractions, interruptions, hindrances and delays. Most of the time, it’s the enemy attempting to bring our minds into such a state of fragmentation that we end up being “ripped to shreds,” as I heard our lady pastor say one time. If we allow it, our minds will go in six different directions within a single moment! We must be alert in our times of multi-tasking; to be sure we’re not sowing towards this way of thinking. Satan’s goal is to have you switching quickly from one thought to another so often that your focus is obliterated (specifically in your spiritual responsibilities), as well as other areas. But he knows that if he can throw your focus off Jesus (the Word of God) and who God says you are, then you’ll soon be saying and doing things you never meant to. All too quickly, you can become double-minded and we know that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. (James 1:6-8)

Recently, I came through a 10-month battle with depression. Mine wasn’t as severe as some cases I’ve heard of, but it was nonetheless debilitating in many ways. I still made it to church, worshiped the Lord and even experienced His presence enough that it brought a smile to my face and a knowing that I’d make it through. Yet I longed for the constant closeness to the Lord I had once known. I asked the Lord what had happened and how I had allowed depression to come upon me. One of the key areas He showed me was this double-mindedness issue.

The enemy knows that if he can cause you to habitually be double-minded, he has brought you to a place of compromise and hypocrisy. If you’ve discovered any incongruence in your character, please don’t do what I did. Don’t get mad at yourself, walk around depressed and succumb to the guilt and shame for even one day! The devil will try to put an overwhelming feeling of “I can’t do it” on you. But you must keep reminding yourself that Jesus came to make you free. Even now He is revealing truth to set you free. I say to you according to Isaiah 60:1(AMP)-Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! The truth (that you know) shall make you free! Now that is something to rejoice about!

Here are some steps and scriptures to help you get back on the right track! When you look to God to give you His grace He WILL lead you through! You have this promise: “For those who look to Him for help shall be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces!” (Psalm 34:5)

Since God desires truth in our inner being (Psalm 51:6), ask God to reveal more truth to you
and give you the strength and courage to receive it. When He shows you, don’t ignore it and
don’t delay dealing with it. Instead, open up and be honest with yourself and God about everything.
Important scriptures to pray: Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 86:11, 2nd Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 19:14

Don’t think about all the things you think you can’t do; pay attention to the areas that you can do. Think about all He has done and who He is, and thank Him for it often. (Phil.4:8)

Remember that repentance is a decision. If you have been double-minded for very long you may have weakened your will in a particular area. If you want to repent, but feel you won’t mean it- then ask God to bring you into a godly sorrow and true repentance in the area you have been failing. Make sure you confess your sins to Him and claim His promise that He forgives you and cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1st John 1:9). Practice this one often!