Monday, September 21, 2009

Continual Journey of Physical Healing

Much has happened in the past 5 months that obviously needs to be documented & written. Research shows that if we will write things down, we'll remember so much more than if we don't. And the way my memory has been acting lately, I'd BETTER write things down!
First of all, I must mention that shortly after having the radical double mastectomy I was told by my breast surgeon that I need to avoid "soy" as much as possible because of it's weak estrogenic effect on our bodies. Since the breast tumor I had was found to be "estrogen receptive" (meaning I had an estrogen dominance issue), I then had to become one who seeks to be free of estrogen increasing foods and/or drinks in my daily diet.
In case you hadn't noticed or you just don't read ingredients in food very often, soy is in SO many products! I can't tell you how many times I've bought something and forgot to read the ingredients on it and then while eating it I decide suddenly to read the ingredients and my mouth drops when I find some type of soy listed there! Whether it's soy sauce, soy lecithin, soy protein or soybean oil you'll find soy in at least 90% of any boxed products we normally buy. Now I did find out that FERMENTED soy and sprouted soy are free from having the estrogenic effect on our bodies, so that's okay when you find that listed.
So after adjusting my shopping to being more soy-free, which really took a lot of time & focus, I discover that dairy was a big contributer to the estrogen dominance issue. This revelation occurred after finding out about a meningioma (benign) tumor in my head right between my brain & skull. Meningiomas are known to be estrogen receptive, therefore once again caused by this problem of estrogen dominance! Can I just tell you how ANGRY I was against anything that increased estrogen in me? EXTREMELY ANGRY! So when I discovered that dairy was a pretty big culprit to the problem - I was so sad I went in the bathroom and cried for at least 15 minutes I think. You see, I was in love with a drink made by Bolthouse Farms, it was a protein "Mocha Cappuccino" drink. Oh! It was SO YUMMY! I drank one almost everyday for at least two years!
But when I finally came to the obvious conclusion of the fact that it takes high estrogen levels in the cows to even produce the milk, I knew I had to let it go, even the organic "hormone & antibiotic free" dairy. That was May of this year and I've adapted pretty well to not getting to have dairy. I found some butter called "Earth Balance" that is specifially "SOY-FREE". Be CAREFUL though it's SO easy to pick up the wrong one, you MUST make sure it is free from soy.
Since I opted out of the "chemo & hormonal therapy" route, I had decided to clean up my diet the best way I knew and rely on God to show me how to eat and take the supplements He showed me to take. In June or so, a close friend recommended that I see her naturopathic doctor that she & many others were very pleased with his direction. I felt strongly that I should follow after that idea. Long story short, I ended up seeing this doctor.
That first day visiting this doctor I got to see a "Live Blood Analysis" of my blood on a color TV screen. This proved to be EXTREMELY enlightening for me! I saw all my healthy blood cells traveling around, the nurse even confirmed that they were very healthy. BUT what she pointed out to me I didn't expect. She asked me if I saw the clusters there, there & there. I did. Then she zoomed in closer to them. It was fungus - in particular - it was Candida/yeast. I actually already deep down had an inclination that I had an issue with it. Many years ago, I read a mini book by Dr. Don Colbert about Candida yeast issues and how to be free from the overgrowth of it. I knew I had some sort of issue with it and thought someday I would need to do the "Candida diet," but I knew at that point in my life- that diet looked IMPOSSIBLE for me. I couldn't even imagine restricting myself to that point, I just couldn't see it at all.
But there I was with a totally different perspective. I had let go of soy in February and then let go of dairy just two months earlier. Suddenly, I KNEW I could do this! I can see how gracious God was in preparing me with the baby steps of letting go of things I needed to. Now I was ready for the biggie! So far, I've been on this Candida diet for over two months now and still going strong! No breads, no sweets (even fruits & sweet veggies!), no sauces, condiments or dressings! Only two servings of grains per day and 3 meat servings.
This specially restricted diet for me will continue for at least one more month but thank God it won't last forever! Afterwards I will then enter Phase 2 of the diet. I will be slowly reintroducing certain pieces of fruit back into my diet and then wait for three days to see if any symptoms appear. I'll research more about that the closer I get to that day!
Also in my path to healing I've learned about the body's pH level and what an important role this plays in our health everyday. I found out that I was quite acidic. In order for cancer to grow and reproduce in our bodies, it needs two things- an acidic environment and fungus! Having an alkaline pH level in all areas of our body is essential to be cancer free! Now, of course, I do realize that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies. The point is that we don't want them joining together and growing out of control.