As I pull up my blog, I am completely shocked to find that I haven't posted anything since April??? I don't know what to sorry!!! Lately, I've gotten kinda stuck all because I've always heard that in order to do something really well - you need to focus more completely on that one thing. So because I have about a zillion different interests....I just stood at a stand still because I couldn't seem to choose which thing God wanted me to do. But ya know what? I just realized that because we are all unique, maybe I'm just different in that I can do many things well. So I'm gonna just give it a go & talk about it as well. You in for the ride?
So lately - God's been putting this statement in my mind over & over, "mix it up." I am passionate about many things, first & foremost Jesus & my relationship with Him. Then through all the things He's had me walk through - there's our health & preventing cancer as well as other troublesome ailments. Then there's my passion for music, learning more about that & being a better vocalist is at the forefront as well. Then there's writing & talking about it in a blog or youtube video - so many things to learn about in order to do it with excellence! In the middle of all this, I'm looking for a job as well! Kinda overwhelming when ya think about trying to juggle all of that - but He's shown me His anointing is more than enough to help me through it. So I'm gonna trust in His power to work through me - it's my resolution. Choices are so much easier than they appear.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him & He will direct Your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear & worship the Lord & turn away from evil." " Proverbs 3:5-6