Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Danger of Distractions

Distractions and interruptions today are an extremely common occurrence, especially if you have children or a high-pressure job. In my experience, having children increases the distraction so much that you think your brain has turned to butter by the end of the day. I have four wonderful children and love them dearly. But I now understand why my mother used to plead to have “a little peace and quiet!” As we age and grow a little wiser, we all long for a more focused and peaceful mind. Yet I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone into the kitchen and found myself asking, “What did I come in here for?” Can you relate? Think it’s harmless? Think again.

The hordes of hell are attacking God’s people today in the area of distractions, interruptions, hindrances and delays. Most of the time, it’s the enemy attempting to bring our minds into such a state of fragmentation that we end up being “ripped to shreds,” as I heard our lady pastor say one time. If we allow it, our minds will go in six different directions within a single moment! We must be alert in our times of multi-tasking; to be sure we’re not sowing towards this way of thinking. Satan’s goal is to have you switching quickly from one thought to another so often that your focus is obliterated (specifically in your spiritual responsibilities), as well as other areas. But he knows that if he can throw your focus off Jesus (the Word of God) and who God says you are, then you’ll soon be saying and doing things you never meant to. All too quickly, you can become double-minded and we know that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. (James 1:6-8)

Recently, I came through a 10-month battle with depression. Mine wasn’t as severe as some cases I’ve heard of, but it was nonetheless debilitating in many ways. I still made it to church, worshiped the Lord and even experienced His presence enough that it brought a smile to my face and a knowing that I’d make it through. Yet I longed for the constant closeness to the Lord I had once known. I asked the Lord what had happened and how I had allowed depression to come upon me. One of the key areas He showed me was this double-mindedness issue.

The enemy knows that if he can cause you to habitually be double-minded, he has brought you to a place of compromise and hypocrisy. If you’ve discovered any incongruence in your character, please don’t do what I did. Don’t get mad at yourself, walk around depressed and succumb to the guilt and shame for even one day! The devil will try to put an overwhelming feeling of “I can’t do it” on you. But you must keep reminding yourself that Jesus came to make you free. Even now He is revealing truth to set you free. I say to you according to Isaiah 60:1(AMP)-Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! The truth (that you know) shall make you free! Now that is something to rejoice about!

Here are some steps and scriptures to help you get back on the right track! When you look to God to give you His grace He WILL lead you through! You have this promise: “For those who look to Him for help shall be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces!” (Psalm 34:5)

Since God desires truth in our inner being (Psalm 51:6), ask God to reveal more truth to you
and give you the strength and courage to receive it. When He shows you, don’t ignore it and
don’t delay dealing with it. Instead, open up and be honest with yourself and God about everything.
Important scriptures to pray: Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 86:11, 2nd Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 19:14

Don’t think about all the things you think you can’t do; pay attention to the areas that you can do. Think about all He has done and who He is, and thank Him for it often. (Phil.4:8)

Remember that repentance is a decision. If you have been double-minded for very long you may have weakened your will in a particular area. If you want to repent, but feel you won’t mean it- then ask God to bring you into a godly sorrow and true repentance in the area you have been failing. Make sure you confess your sins to Him and claim His promise that He forgives you and cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1st John 1:9). Practice this one often!