Dear Avon, 7-17-09
I first began selling your products in November 2008 and I enjoyed the products as well as selling them. Unfortunately, I am writing this to inform you why I cannot sell any of your skin care products any longer, as well as why I’m returning all (used and unused) of these products to you. My account hasn’t been active for about 3 months now.
I was diagnosed at the start of this year with breast cancer. At the start of February I had a radical double mastectomy to remove completely all breast tissue – in attempt to take away the chances of recurrence. Soon afterward, I was told that the tumor that was removed was 3.4cm and was estrogen receptive which meant a possibility of needing chemo and definitely hormone therapy. From the information I received from doctors, I discovered I had estrogen dominance in my body.
There is NO history of breast cancer in my family on either side of my family and I have had tests that prove that. Over 10 yrs ago I began taking measures to prevent cancer by what I put IN my body, what I avoid and how I take care of it physically. Our household has been eating organically for well over 7 years and I am an active (5ft3in and 123lbs) 40 yr old mother of 4 children, of whom ALL were breast-fed. I do not smoke and haven’t even attempted since I was a teen. I do not drink but maybe a glass or two of wine each year. I am unlike most people no doubt, by the grace of God I must say. But, I believe this was all for a reason. So I could narrow down what was obviously linked to causing breast cancer in me and thousands upon thousands of other women who have estrogen dominance in their bodies
It’s NO secret that parabens are an environmental estrogen that is in all your make-up and skin care products. All my life, I have used products that have parabens in them, all the while ignorant of their danger. Since I was fourteen, I have worn make-up almost everyday of my life. One of the controversies over parabens causing breast tumors is that companies only put a minute amount in the products so it would take many years of application to build in the body before it could bring any problems with estrogen receptive tumors. Here I am twenty –six years later and they found breast cancer in me! Will somebody stand up and take responsibility PLEASE!
If you do the proper research you will discover that there have been so many studies performed on human breast tumors. One in particular that I found, out of all twenty human breast tumors tested – parabens were found in every single one of them. Methylparabens were found at the highest concentration in all of them.
It is my understanding that Avon refused to sign the compact agreement that simply states that you will agree to begin taking measures to find a replacement preservative for the parabens. For greater insight and understanding, I am sending a link to a YOUTUBE video (about the breast cancer and parabens connection) and am also putting in with this letter one of the test results done on twenty human breast tumors.
The only thing I can see that would cause you to not agree to sign the compact agreement and change your products, is simply selfishness and corporate greed. Please reconsider today and change your products. Otherwise, I cannot reconsider selling or backing your products, and I will make sure others know the truth about Avon.
Sirs or ladies, I am a person of “getting a message out”, it’s just who I am. Yet I send out only worthy messages and I believe this is a worthy message to MANY women. I belong to a church of well over 10,000 active members. I have connections to people of all walks of life and I am spreading the word and passion to many women about parabens. This message about estrogen dominance and all that causes it will be spread throughout the world.
Enclosed in the boxes you will find, products unused and used that I bought to sell or I used them myself. Please understand that I feel betrayed because I trusted your company products and your company has failed to follow through being loyal to that trust that was given. If Avon claims to support breast cancer research, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.
Please show your TRUE support of the breast cancer research, as well as the victims and survivors by replacing the parabens in your products now.
Thanks for your time, consideration & understanding.
Mrs. Dusti Renea Farmer/Account Number 08125762
214.471.3305 /
A blog that speaks straight from the heart & soul with an authentic desire to elevate your life whether it be in your spiritual or physical health - both of which are VERY important.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Continual Journey of Physical Healing
Much has happened in the past 5 months that obviously needs to be documented & written. Research shows that if we will write things down, we'll remember so much more than if we don't. And the way my memory has been acting lately, I'd BETTER write things down!
First of all, I must mention that shortly after having the radical double mastectomy I was told by my breast surgeon that I need to avoid "soy" as much as possible because of it's weak estrogenic effect on our bodies. Since the breast tumor I had was found to be "estrogen receptive" (meaning I had an estrogen dominance issue), I then had to become one who seeks to be free of estrogen increasing foods and/or drinks in my daily diet.
In case you hadn't noticed or you just don't read ingredients in food very often, soy is in SO many products! I can't tell you how many times I've bought something and forgot to read the ingredients on it and then while eating it I decide suddenly to read the ingredients and my mouth drops when I find some type of soy listed there! Whether it's soy sauce, soy lecithin, soy protein or soybean oil you'll find soy in at least 90% of any boxed products we normally buy. Now I did find out that FERMENTED soy and sprouted soy are free from having the estrogenic effect on our bodies, so that's okay when you find that listed.
So after adjusting my shopping to being more soy-free, which really took a lot of time & focus, I discover that dairy was a big contributer to the estrogen dominance issue. This revelation occurred after finding out about a meningioma (benign) tumor in my head right between my brain & skull. Meningiomas are known to be estrogen receptive, therefore once again caused by this problem of estrogen dominance! Can I just tell you how ANGRY I was against anything that increased estrogen in me? EXTREMELY ANGRY! So when I discovered that dairy was a pretty big culprit to the problem - I was so sad I went in the bathroom and cried for at least 15 minutes I think. You see, I was in love with a drink made by Bolthouse Farms, it was a protein "Mocha Cappuccino" drink. Oh! It was SO YUMMY! I drank one almost everyday for at least two years!
But when I finally came to the obvious conclusion of the fact that it takes high estrogen levels in the cows to even produce the milk, I knew I had to let it go, even the organic "hormone & antibiotic free" dairy. That was May of this year and I've adapted pretty well to not getting to have dairy. I found some butter called "Earth Balance" that is specifially "SOY-FREE". Be CAREFUL though it's SO easy to pick up the wrong one, you MUST make sure it is free from soy.
Since I opted out of the "chemo & hormonal therapy" route, I had decided to clean up my diet the best way I knew and rely on God to show me how to eat and take the supplements He showed me to take. In June or so, a close friend recommended that I see her naturopathic doctor that she & many others were very pleased with his direction. I felt strongly that I should follow after that idea. Long story short, I ended up seeing this doctor.
That first day visiting this doctor I got to see a "Live Blood Analysis" of my blood on a color TV screen. This proved to be EXTREMELY enlightening for me! I saw all my healthy blood cells traveling around, the nurse even confirmed that they were very healthy. BUT what she pointed out to me I didn't expect. She asked me if I saw the clusters there, there & there. I did. Then she zoomed in closer to them. It was fungus - in particular - it was Candida/yeast. I actually already deep down had an inclination that I had an issue with it. Many years ago, I read a mini book by Dr. Don Colbert about Candida yeast issues and how to be free from the overgrowth of it. I knew I had some sort of issue with it and thought someday I would need to do the "Candida diet," but I knew at that point in my life- that diet looked IMPOSSIBLE for me. I couldn't even imagine restricting myself to that point, I just couldn't see it at all.
But there I was with a totally different perspective. I had let go of soy in February and then let go of dairy just two months earlier. Suddenly, I KNEW I could do this! I can see how gracious God was in preparing me with the baby steps of letting go of things I needed to. Now I was ready for the biggie! So far, I've been on this Candida diet for over two months now and still going strong! No breads, no sweets (even fruits & sweet veggies!), no sauces, condiments or dressings! Only two servings of grains per day and 3 meat servings.
This specially restricted diet for me will continue for at least one more month but thank God it won't last forever! Afterwards I will then enter Phase 2 of the diet. I will be slowly reintroducing certain pieces of fruit back into my diet and then wait for three days to see if any symptoms appear. I'll research more about that the closer I get to that day!
Also in my path to healing I've learned about the body's pH level and what an important role this plays in our health everyday. I found out that I was quite acidic. In order for cancer to grow and reproduce in our bodies, it needs two things- an acidic environment and fungus! Having an alkaline pH level in all areas of our body is essential to be cancer free! Now, of course, I do realize that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies. The point is that we don't want them joining together and growing out of control.
First of all, I must mention that shortly after having the radical double mastectomy I was told by my breast surgeon that I need to avoid "soy" as much as possible because of it's weak estrogenic effect on our bodies. Since the breast tumor I had was found to be "estrogen receptive" (meaning I had an estrogen dominance issue), I then had to become one who seeks to be free of estrogen increasing foods and/or drinks in my daily diet.
In case you hadn't noticed or you just don't read ingredients in food very often, soy is in SO many products! I can't tell you how many times I've bought something and forgot to read the ingredients on it and then while eating it I decide suddenly to read the ingredients and my mouth drops when I find some type of soy listed there! Whether it's soy sauce, soy lecithin, soy protein or soybean oil you'll find soy in at least 90% of any boxed products we normally buy. Now I did find out that FERMENTED soy and sprouted soy are free from having the estrogenic effect on our bodies, so that's okay when you find that listed.
So after adjusting my shopping to being more soy-free, which really took a lot of time & focus, I discover that dairy was a big contributer to the estrogen dominance issue. This revelation occurred after finding out about a meningioma (benign) tumor in my head right between my brain & skull. Meningiomas are known to be estrogen receptive, therefore once again caused by this problem of estrogen dominance! Can I just tell you how ANGRY I was against anything that increased estrogen in me? EXTREMELY ANGRY! So when I discovered that dairy was a pretty big culprit to the problem - I was so sad I went in the bathroom and cried for at least 15 minutes I think. You see, I was in love with a drink made by Bolthouse Farms, it was a protein "Mocha Cappuccino" drink. Oh! It was SO YUMMY! I drank one almost everyday for at least two years!
But when I finally came to the obvious conclusion of the fact that it takes high estrogen levels in the cows to even produce the milk, I knew I had to let it go, even the organic "hormone & antibiotic free" dairy. That was May of this year and I've adapted pretty well to not getting to have dairy. I found some butter called "Earth Balance" that is specifially "SOY-FREE". Be CAREFUL though it's SO easy to pick up the wrong one, you MUST make sure it is free from soy.
Since I opted out of the "chemo & hormonal therapy" route, I had decided to clean up my diet the best way I knew and rely on God to show me how to eat and take the supplements He showed me to take. In June or so, a close friend recommended that I see her naturopathic doctor that she & many others were very pleased with his direction. I felt strongly that I should follow after that idea. Long story short, I ended up seeing this doctor.
That first day visiting this doctor I got to see a "Live Blood Analysis" of my blood on a color TV screen. This proved to be EXTREMELY enlightening for me! I saw all my healthy blood cells traveling around, the nurse even confirmed that they were very healthy. BUT what she pointed out to me I didn't expect. She asked me if I saw the clusters there, there & there. I did. Then she zoomed in closer to them. It was fungus - in particular - it was Candida/yeast. I actually already deep down had an inclination that I had an issue with it. Many years ago, I read a mini book by Dr. Don Colbert about Candida yeast issues and how to be free from the overgrowth of it. I knew I had some sort of issue with it and thought someday I would need to do the "Candida diet," but I knew at that point in my life- that diet looked IMPOSSIBLE for me. I couldn't even imagine restricting myself to that point, I just couldn't see it at all.
But there I was with a totally different perspective. I had let go of soy in February and then let go of dairy just two months earlier. Suddenly, I KNEW I could do this! I can see how gracious God was in preparing me with the baby steps of letting go of things I needed to. Now I was ready for the biggie! So far, I've been on this Candida diet for over two months now and still going strong! No breads, no sweets (even fruits & sweet veggies!), no sauces, condiments or dressings! Only two servings of grains per day and 3 meat servings.
This specially restricted diet for me will continue for at least one more month but thank God it won't last forever! Afterwards I will then enter Phase 2 of the diet. I will be slowly reintroducing certain pieces of fruit back into my diet and then wait for three days to see if any symptoms appear. I'll research more about that the closer I get to that day!
Also in my path to healing I've learned about the body's pH level and what an important role this plays in our health everyday. I found out that I was quite acidic. In order for cancer to grow and reproduce in our bodies, it needs two things- an acidic environment and fungus! Having an alkaline pH level in all areas of our body is essential to be cancer free! Now, of course, I do realize that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies. The point is that we don't want them joining together and growing out of control.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The End of a Shredded Mind

I realize it's been a LONG time since I've written anything. So much has been going on - but I know there's really no point in making excuses because the truth is, I will end up doing whatever I put in a place of priority.
Right now in my life there is so much that needs to be done around the house and just taking care of daily tasks that just ends up getting put off. I really feel quite OVERburdened. I have pressured myself and stressed myself to no end for years to get the tasks on my list done. I'm finally realizing that I simply wasn't created to be running in a such a fast pace. Some people are quick thinkers and get things done quickly & easily. But the older I've gotten, the slower I seem to process tasks in my mind and carry things out.
The distractions and interruptions we incur with having a larger family seem to increase with every year our kids get older! I discovered that it gets my mind into the HABIT of jumping from one train of thought to another. Then before I know it, my mind is trying to go 5 different directions at one time, like those old typewriters when you hit too many keys at one time and the letter bars get clunked altogether & then you have to unclunk them! Just like the typewriter I've just gotten stuck, shredded & ineffective. And if you get in that situation over & over enough times - pretty soon - you may not realize it but you've subtly given up and then just procrastinated whatever it was you needed to do. Now I've procrastinated so much that I have unfinished projects all over the house and cannot seem to decide which one is the higher priority! So I basically just give up and move on to the "urgent" things that MUST get done (you know, the ones that SCREAM at you!).
Now I know most of my close friends would make excuses for me and say "well, you've been through so much this year - you have to give yourself a break." Well, I do! But I'm not gonna make excuses for the lack of focus going on in my mind. Jesus died to give me the mind of Christ and by golly I'm gonna fight to receive that mind!!! I know Jesus' mind was a focused mind. He was completely focused on God's will. He didn't let anything or anyone distract Him God's purpose for Him.
I'm just so tired of trying to tell one story to someone and going off into 3 bunny trails and then an hour later remember that I never got to the point of the story! Somebody tell me if this is what ADD is! Actually, I've been like this most of my life, but either it's got worse or maybe I'm just noticing it MORE than ever before. But it definitely has been affecting my daily life like never before. My productivity is at it's WORST than I've ever seen. And it's not just because I'm not saying no to different activities or doing things for people. For the most part, I don't do much except for handle home & family. But lately in the last 3 yrs, it's just been WAY too much for me. Thing is, I've handled SO much more than this with abundant grace.
With God's help I will get to bottom of this. But I really needed to get this written out and I haven't been doing well with journaling- I might write something once a month or less...... though that's not where I want to be. All in all, I choose to trust God and if I continue in this process, He'll lead me out. I am confident of that. Because He was, IS and always will be FAITHFUL!
I apologize if this has a more negative tone, but this is how repentance occurs. In order to change, first we must SEE the need for change to get fed up with the way things are. That's where I'm at! Oh God keep stirring me up! Don't stop convicting me and showing me the truth about myself! I need it! I need You to pull me up out of the pit of distraction, confusion & undecisiveness. Joel 2:12 "Therefore now," says the Lord, "Turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]."
(Continue with Joel 2:13-14 for more good reading)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Parabens Contributes to Breast Tumors - I AM A WITNESS!
Some of you may or may not know that I just recently came through breast cancer. I had a radical double mastectomy in February of 2009 and I hope to complete my reconstructive surgery this August. Only thing was, I really had NO risks for getting it. There is NO family history of it on either side of my family. I don't smoke and haven't for almost twenty years and if I drink it's maybe one or two glasses a year. I was 39 when I first discovered the tumor. I have 4 children, ALL of them were breast-fed.
This past April, my oncologist informed me that at this point she was recommending chemo & hormonal therapy - even though a special test done on the tumor reported only a 7% chance of recurrence in the next 10 years. I believe the Lord led me to do some research while looking for another doctor (for a second opinion). I learned so much about chemo & hormonal therapy. I learned that I didn't want ANY part of it. The side effects for me were worse than the benefits.
Most of you who know me well- know that I began a journey of avoiding the foods and drinks that increase your chances of cancer 10 years ago and eating & drinking things that prevent it. The first few years I struggled with that choice & then I became more strongly committed.
I had asked the Lord where I missed it and how this got in. The first area I was convicted about was mishandling stress, so He's been helping me correct some things in that area. Then He led me to look up "Environmental Estrogens"-- which are pseudo-estrogens that are toxic to our body. You may or may not have heard of these. What I discovered is that it has been PROVEN time & time again that all the types of "parabens" in about 95% of beauty products today actually CAUSE cancerous breast tumors! Research shows that today women younger & younger are getting breast cancer and parabens is the biggest cause of the estrogen increase in these women. In my case, the pathology report showed that my tumor was "estrogen receptive". Meaning that I had "estrogen dominance." The causes of this are actually from the environmental estrogens. There are many other types of these estrogens besides JUST the parabens that I suggest you look up & find on your own. But I found studies that were done on human breast tumors and in one particular study done on 20 of them- in ALL 20 of the tumors- ALL the parabens were found. Methylparabens being the highest in every single tumor.
I immediately got off the computer and found item after item in my bathroom of foundations, lotions, creams, tanning lotions, shampoo & more products that had these "parabens" in them. I got dressed, went out and bought all organic paraben-free products right away. The Lord began reminding me of all the times He would suggest over the years that I buy those organic (paraben-free) products. Since I thought it was me the thought came from, I argued with myself saying we're already spending enough money on organic foods & supplements and plus I didn't think I'd be satisfied with them. Procrastination - just put it off for another day! "But maybe one day we'll have enough money to buy more organic & healthy hygiene products", I thought. I'm finding out breast cancer is really a lot MORE expensive!
Of course, I repented for not being careful enough in taking the time to listen attentively for His voice. I had seen "paraben-free" on some items before, but hadn't a CLUE what the problem was with them - I guess I should've looked that up! Duh! God's word DOES say that, " My people perish for lack of knowledge." Many women 45 & under are in the same situation, they simply don't know. I am wanting to get this information out and find out all I can do to help companies understand the need to find another preservative and stop giving women breast cancer. I guess they may think since there are other enviromental estrogens out there, that they are not the SOLE cause. I'm not sure, but one thing I want to know is - who really cares enough to change the products they use and tell others about these dangerous toxins as well? I sent this to message to all the women on my email list and posting it now on my blog, because I CARE about your life. And since nobody told me about the problem with parabens (that I remember) I figured I needed to post this information.
Thanks for taking the time to read this~ God bless you abundantly! ;)
Since I first posted this info ~ I have discovered other ways to lower our estrogen levels. Please, get your levels checked so you know where you stand! READ your labels - soy in all forms except fermented raises estrogen levels, as well as dairy. This does make grocery shopping a lot more difficult and the choice to change our eating habits can be also - but when you compare it to the horrid inconvenience of going through surgeries and (for some) chemo treatments and then all the financial stress of the MANY medical bills piling up - the decision can become quite easy!
This past April, my oncologist informed me that at this point she was recommending chemo & hormonal therapy - even though a special test done on the tumor reported only a 7% chance of recurrence in the next 10 years. I believe the Lord led me to do some research while looking for another doctor (for a second opinion). I learned so much about chemo & hormonal therapy. I learned that I didn't want ANY part of it. The side effects for me were worse than the benefits.
Most of you who know me well- know that I began a journey of avoiding the foods and drinks that increase your chances of cancer 10 years ago and eating & drinking things that prevent it. The first few years I struggled with that choice & then I became more strongly committed.
I had asked the Lord where I missed it and how this got in. The first area I was convicted about was mishandling stress, so He's been helping me correct some things in that area. Then He led me to look up "Environmental Estrogens"-- which are pseudo-estrogens that are toxic to our body. You may or may not have heard of these. What I discovered is that it has been PROVEN time & time again that all the types of "parabens" in about 95% of beauty products today actually CAUSE cancerous breast tumors! Research shows that today women younger & younger are getting breast cancer and parabens is the biggest cause of the estrogen increase in these women. In my case, the pathology report showed that my tumor was "estrogen receptive". Meaning that I had "estrogen dominance." The causes of this are actually from the environmental estrogens. There are many other types of these estrogens besides JUST the parabens that I suggest you look up & find on your own. But I found studies that were done on human breast tumors and in one particular study done on 20 of them- in ALL 20 of the tumors- ALL the parabens were found. Methylparabens being the highest in every single tumor.
I immediately got off the computer and found item after item in my bathroom of foundations, lotions, creams, tanning lotions, shampoo & more products that had these "parabens" in them. I got dressed, went out and bought all organic paraben-free products right away. The Lord began reminding me of all the times He would suggest over the years that I buy those organic (paraben-free) products. Since I thought it was me the thought came from, I argued with myself saying we're already spending enough money on organic foods & supplements and plus I didn't think I'd be satisfied with them. Procrastination - just put it off for another day! "But maybe one day we'll have enough money to buy more organic & healthy hygiene products", I thought. I'm finding out breast cancer is really a lot MORE expensive!
Of course, I repented for not being careful enough in taking the time to listen attentively for His voice. I had seen "paraben-free" on some items before, but hadn't a CLUE what the problem was with them - I guess I should've looked that up! Duh! God's word DOES say that, " My people perish for lack of knowledge." Many women 45 & under are in the same situation, they simply don't know. I am wanting to get this information out and find out all I can do to help companies understand the need to find another preservative and stop giving women breast cancer. I guess they may think since there are other enviromental estrogens out there, that they are not the SOLE cause. I'm not sure, but one thing I want to know is - who really cares enough to change the products they use and tell others about these dangerous toxins as well? I sent this to message to all the women on my email list and posting it now on my blog, because I CARE about your life. And since nobody told me about the problem with parabens (that I remember) I figured I needed to post this information.
Thanks for taking the time to read this~ God bless you abundantly! ;)
Since I first posted this info ~ I have discovered other ways to lower our estrogen levels. Please, get your levels checked so you know where you stand! READ your labels - soy in all forms except fermented raises estrogen levels, as well as dairy. This does make grocery shopping a lot more difficult and the choice to change our eating habits can be also - but when you compare it to the horrid inconvenience of going through surgeries and (for some) chemo treatments and then all the financial stress of the MANY medical bills piling up - the decision can become quite easy!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our Crown of Thorns
After one tough day of feeling like I must be the only one to have SO many troubles and issues to deal with, I realize "there goes those fickle feelings again!" They lie so often. Then there's the enemy who tries to tell you, "you & your family's lives are just too jacked up to glorify God - you don't have the victory - look at ya - you're still screwing up and saying the wrong things over & over again." But I say, "wait a minute don't I already have the victory just BECAUSE I belong to Jesus and have the Holy Spirit living within me?" In 1st Corinthians 15:57, it says "thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ." First of all, I know that I know (by the "Knower" inside me) that I belong to Jesus. So I claim that victory through Christ Jesus my Lord, thanks be to God for that victory that I will find through Him.
As for the issues of our weaknesses and faults and those people in our lives who seem to bring out the worst in us: these could be called the thorns that are sent to buffet and harass us. It's important to realize who our true enemy is. It's not the people that we should be battling. We must bring the Lord into our situations through prayer. As our senior pastor taught yesterday, these thorns are there to keep us from getting puffed up and full of ourselves as well as drawing us closer to the feet of Jesus. The area of reference is found in 2nd Corinthians 12:7-10. How many of us have asked the Lord to remove from us the people or problems in our personalities that we face? Many times I have asked God if I should put my daughter, who has Down's syndrome and struggles with a mental illness, in a special home for people like her; sometimes I feel that she would be better off without me and I can't bear anymore of the communication breakdowns. But yet I know that God is using her to work a far greater work of glory within me and her for His purpose. So I stay the course, because He promised His grace is sufficient and His strength & power are made perfect in my weakness. How can this be? I don't really know all of the specifics as of yet. But I must take His word - believe, lean and rely on it. I must choose to trust Him regardless of what I see. And one day, I will see His word come to pass in me and others before my eyes.
So I will not be ashamed of the fiery trials before me, I will not be shocked or dismayed as they enflame against me. Instead, I will recall the words of King David in Psalm 23 - "You (Lord) prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me ALL the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!" As Paul says, "I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest upon me!" Therefore, I've decided to glorify God that I have been counted as one who is priviledged enough to wear a crown of thorns as Jesus did.
All of us at one time or another go through various temptations and trials, so we must continually make strong decisions by God's grace to allow God's strength to carry us through these trials triumphantly. My prayer is that we as God's people will grow up in this area of trusting God for the victory no matter how bad things look. So that your faith will not burn up in the fire and you will come out as pure gold, with purer motives than you ever had before!
Until we meet again~ God's grace be with you all ;) Hebrews 13:20-21
Dusti Renea
As for the issues of our weaknesses and faults and those people in our lives who seem to bring out the worst in us: these could be called the thorns that are sent to buffet and harass us. It's important to realize who our true enemy is. It's not the people that we should be battling. We must bring the Lord into our situations through prayer. As our senior pastor taught yesterday, these thorns are there to keep us from getting puffed up and full of ourselves as well as drawing us closer to the feet of Jesus. The area of reference is found in 2nd Corinthians 12:7-10. How many of us have asked the Lord to remove from us the people or problems in our personalities that we face? Many times I have asked God if I should put my daughter, who has Down's syndrome and struggles with a mental illness, in a special home for people like her; sometimes I feel that she would be better off without me and I can't bear anymore of the communication breakdowns. But yet I know that God is using her to work a far greater work of glory within me and her for His purpose. So I stay the course, because He promised His grace is sufficient and His strength & power are made perfect in my weakness. How can this be? I don't really know all of the specifics as of yet. But I must take His word - believe, lean and rely on it. I must choose to trust Him regardless of what I see. And one day, I will see His word come to pass in me and others before my eyes.
So I will not be ashamed of the fiery trials before me, I will not be shocked or dismayed as they enflame against me. Instead, I will recall the words of King David in Psalm 23 - "You (Lord) prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me ALL the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!" As Paul says, "I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest upon me!" Therefore, I've decided to glorify God that I have been counted as one who is priviledged enough to wear a crown of thorns as Jesus did.
All of us at one time or another go through various temptations and trials, so we must continually make strong decisions by God's grace to allow God's strength to carry us through these trials triumphantly. My prayer is that we as God's people will grow up in this area of trusting God for the victory no matter how bad things look. So that your faith will not burn up in the fire and you will come out as pure gold, with purer motives than you ever had before!
Until we meet again~ God's grace be with you all ;) Hebrews 13:20-21
Dusti Renea
Friday, April 3, 2009
Just the Beginning!
Behold, God is doing a new thing in this new beautiful season! I have been directed that I need to start a blog......and I'm finally heeding God's call. Currently, what's been on my mind is all that must be repented of and fasted from. When one lady pastor from my church told me to repent for three days I frankly just didn't get it, so I lifted it up to the Lord to reveal what that meant. Doesn't repenting for my ungrateful attitude only take a moment or two? Here I am many months later and now I'm beginning to see how the Lord is revealing the truth about repentance. How many of us repent on the surface about an issue, but the next day we're right back in the same ole' mess? How many of you are TRULY fed up with this madness? I believe we need to give God some quality time to reveal to us what true repentance is. The best scripture that comes to mind about repentance is James 4:8-10 Come close to God and He will come close to you. [Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [of your spiritual adultery]. 9 [As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame [for your sins]. 10 Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant].
I have more to say but will cut this short for now.
Until next blessed w/His mercy & Truth. ;)
I have more to say but will cut this short for now.
Until next blessed w/His mercy & Truth. ;)
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